futz f&ts v.i. To tinker experimentally; to change something just to see what it does

Jason at AtomSoft sent me a couple Nokia 7110 LCDs. Thanks Jason! They're nice cheap little 96x65 monochrome graphic LCD's if you can find them. In this project I build a breadboard connector for the display and write some PIC 18LF1330 code and some 18F2550 code to drive the display

I made a con...

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I'm posting some code here for Drizza on YouTube. Much of the original page text was lost, but I have the images and some text. So here's what I have.

I built the circuit on a dipmicro electronics PB1 proto board. Excellent little boards for building small one-off projects.

In these images I'm...

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So I wanted to buy a Macetech ChronoDot but they were constantly out of stock. So I drew up something similar and had some boards made. They work great.

Mine uses a CR2032 cell rather than the smaller CR1632 that the ChronoDot uses. I use the bigger cell because I get my battery holders off old...

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I got tired of building the Myke Predko 2-Wire LCD circuit over and over and/or having one breadboard always used up so I'd have one handy. So I designed a PC board with the circuit on it. And, since I had tons of extra space under the LCD I added a Maxim DS3234 RTC and a battery holder under ther...

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I designed a keypad board for the Freescale MPR121 Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller chip and received it in my latest batch of boards from dorkbotpdx.org. I'm really happy with this one. The MPR121 is really easy to use and, though it has tons of internal adjustments and controls to suit almost an...

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